Freedom Firm Freedom Firm is dedicated to the liberation of children enslaved in commercial sexual exploitation, to their effective rehabilitation, and to justice against those who have profited from their misery. We unapologetically stand dedicated to this cause and this cause alone.
Hope Academy Believing that all children are created for God's glory and endowed by him with an inalienable potential to acquire wisdom and knowledge, Hope Academy covenants with urban families to equip their children to become the responsible, servant leaders of the 21st Century.
Here's a few pictures of my booth:

And this is a random photo, but I loved how this lightbulb hung from the ceiling in the room where our booth's were.

Anyway, remember how I told you my friend Laura was good? Well, she has also just created a website to promote all of the awesome friends and vendors she knows who are artists (crafty or otherwise ;)) So, you should check it out:
She also has some cool happenings at her studio in NORDEAST Minneapolis, so keep checking back to her site for more info.
And one more thing....I got a huge order to make and sell my baby sweaters at the orchard art house. Kate, the owner, is totally cool. So, I am super stoked about this.
Next week, I will be at the HandmadeMN show.
And that's all folks.
So, peace out, yo. xxoo, Gilda