Thursday, January 5, 2012

Knitters block

I can't believe I am saying this, but I am having knitter's block. It's like all of a sudden, bam, I can't knit. Oh sure, I have been at the needles almost 24/7, but anything I start, I rip right back out. What is going on with me? Did I pressure myself too much with the chevron?


My husband says it's because I am getting bored with the smaller accessories and I need to challenge myself more. And maybe he's right. Actually, I know he's right. It's just that I was trying to find my niche, my brand, ya know. But that didn't work. I just need to knit to knit. And be excited about the projects I am working on. I don't want it to become mundane. Well, then, I would rather have a knitting machine, now wouldn't I?

DSC_0042(boring, boring fingerless mitt!)

So...I have something I am thinking about doing. It's going to take a little sketching and measuring and calculating. And I was thinking, hrm, would you like me to show you my process for designing something? Well, then, cheerio, come back tomorrow then.

Anyway, here's my reading list this week:



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linking up to the yarn along.

See you tomorrow!!!

xxoo, G

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