Have you seen it? You should.
This is a a few minutes worth:
The point: Imagine what our thoughts do to US!
Amazing, right?
But that's not the entire movie. There's more.
I thought it was interesting since we had just been discussing the POWER of Prayer; how thoughts change your energy and those around you.
I know it seems New Ageish, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I believe it. I just wish I had more positive thoughts. I am working on that. We all should work on that.
And speaking of energy, my 5th grader did a presentation (with 3 others) on energy. His part was the war on energy.

If you're interested in checking out his webpage that he made (with his team mates), here it is:
There's just a week and half left of school. And wooooo, so much to be done. I'm sewing hats for my daughter's Theater Arts group:

I'll post a pic of them in action.
Her performance is the same day as her ballet/tap rehearsal. That day is going to be one heck of a juggle, I tell ya (and I just said that in my most Minnesotan accent).
My son is getting his cast off next week.
And in the mean time (thank you 3 day weekends!!), we are fitting in lots of family & fun times.
Like, a cousin sleep over:

And a Memorial Day BBQ:

And fun on the playground:

Teacher's gifts for the end of the year. You know I'll post pics soon ;)
Totally tripindicular, RIIIGHT?
Hope you had a good week, too.
Love the pics =)