Anyway, did you knit up some teacher mug cozies from the free pattern? If so, post a link and I'll check out your pictures (if you have any!).
It's summer, yet we've been waking up around 5:30 every morning and I am beat! Because we're in the midwest, the sun doesn't set until close to 10 at night. Meaning: it's impossible to get to bed at a reasonable time. This is on my mind, because tired kids are absolutely no fun and it's wearing on me. I'm tired, they're tired, we're all tired. What happens when you get a house full of tired peeps? You're right, it's not ideal. But things will work itself out, I'm sure of it. I love my new job and my kids love what they are doing this summer. (camps, lots of camps!)
Also, in the midwest, summers are short. So, you gotta pack it all in in less than 3 months.
Last weekend, we went to a TWINs vs CUBs game. Who do you think we rooted for? Hint: not the TWINs, even though they won. What a perfect, fun day!
Here were our seats:

and a cute photo opp:

This week, L got her hair done. It was an extravagance, but you gotta have a little fun once in a while. She got a bang trim and colored extensions. Oh, and since were there, I had them wash her hair. It was 3.00 extra, but totally worth it! They have them lie down to wash their hair and she even got a head massage. :D

Red, Purple, and Blue:

Talk about divas; my niece had her dance recital and I got a few cell phone pics:

AND....last but not least, it's time for dinner club! It's tonight. The theme is British. I'm making meat pies and a leek soup.
A brief recipe:
Make a meat pie stuffing mixture:
1lb ground beef
1 onion, diced
2 celery stalks, sliced
7 baby carrots, sliced
salt & pepper to taste
7 red potatoes, mashed and mixed with milk (homemade mashed potatoes)

I used 4 containers of pre-made biscuit dough, 10 per. (40 all together)
Flatten dough circles and scoop in teaspoon of meat mixture, like this:

Fold over and pinch dough sides together. (use a fork to create lines and poke tiny hole in top) Place in 350 degree oven and bake for 15 minutes.


For the leek soup, I just cut up 2 big leeks, 2 onions, 2 celery stalks, 4 cups of broth, simmered, pureed, added a small container of yogurt and voila.
That's all for now. Have a great night.
See you next time.
Disclaimer: I haven't had one ounce of time for knitting. I miss knitting. I bring my sticks and yarn with me everywhere. I wish I could knit while I drove, but that's dangerous. ;)
Peace out.